Early Education Center

NDCS offers an Early Education Center for three and four year olds.

2025-2026 EEC Calendar

Registration Link

EEC Handbook

807 State Street, Millersburg, PA. 17061

Located inside Hillside Christian Fellowship

We are thankful and grateful to Hillside for sharing their building to help us grow our Early Education Center. For more information about our Early Education program contact us, 717.692.1940.

What does NDCS Early Education Center have to offer your child?

  • Interaction with other children

  • Learning how to share and take turns

  • Learning how to listen when others are speaking

  • Learning how to sit still for appropriate lengths of time (based on age)

  • Learning to recognize Godly character traits, and begin to practice these traits with others

  • Beginning to recognize sounds of language

  • Broaden their knowledge of God’s world and produce a greater awe for God and His creation

  • Daily Bible Story

  • Learning the importance of prayer

  • Building gross and fine motor skills

  • Introduction to the names and sounds of letters

  • Introduction to basic math skills using manipulatives (counting, sorting, patterning, simple graphing etc.)

  • Introduction to the connection of sound and print (phonics)